2016 Year in Review

2016 Year in Review

2 min read

As 2016 has come to an end, I would like to write a post reviewing my year and keep this as an habit.

2016 was a year full of new things, at the very beginning of the year I started my blog, the place where I'm writing this post now. I've been doing a lot of Open Source and learning new things everyday. Also I have met a lot of new people, which some of them have made an impact in my daily life.


I've introduced a new habit of running (3-4 days per week) 🏃 to maintain a healthy life. Also this helps me to refresh and clear my mind when I'm a stressed out 🔥. Doing sports activity it's now a must for me.

Open Source

Open Source projects built in 2016:

  • gitmoji: An emoji guide for your commit messages. 😜
  • gitmoji-cli: A gitmoji interactive client for using emojis on commits. 💻
  • carloscuesta.me: Carlos Cuesta personal website. 🌍
  • hyper-materialshell: A material design theme for Hyper based on materialshell. ✨

I'm very happy with gitmoji, a project that has become popular on GitHub (was one of the first trending GitHub repositories for a few days ✌️) and people found it useful for their own projects. Now having more than +1300 ⭐️.

Creating a popular Open Source project to experience the contributions, issues and pull requests was one of the main goals for the year! 💪

Even though it's not a big list, I've been maintaining all the previous projects created in 2015. In total I've made 847 contributions in 2016.


This year I've visited the city of Stockholm 🇸🇪 for Christmas and I absolutely loved it! 😍. Such a beautiful city to stay and live I would say. I will be going into Stockholm again in summer ☀️. Probably I'll be making a blog post to share some photos and thoughts.

The future

For 2017 I want to do more things that make me happy:

  • Drive more often and do road trips.
  • Write more articles.
  • Learn new things and technologies.
  • Travel to discover new places.
  • Create a lot of Open Source projects.

Can not wait for 2017! Let's go for it 😎

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